Digital Libraries for Musicology 2017
4th International Digital Libraries for Musicology workshop (DLfM 2017)
Saturday 28th October 2017
Shanghai Conservatory of Music, 20 Fenyang Road, Xuhui district, Shanghai 200031, China
Proceedings published in ACM ICPS
A satellite event of ISMIR 2017
- 2 August 2017: We are pleased to open a Call for Posters for DLfM 2017, on topics listed in the main CfP below. To submit a poster proposal, please send your title, author list, and a 200 word abstract to The deadline for poster proposal submissions is 1st September 2017. Notification of acceptance will be in two rounds, on 10th August and then on 8th September. The registration deadline for accepted posters will be 15th September 2017. Constraints regarding poster size will be confirmed on acceptance. Posters will be listed in the workshop programme, but not included in the workshop proceedings.
- 2 August 2017 Information for attendees. We recommend delegates leave sufficient time in advance of the workshop to arrange their visas for entry into China. Our partners at the ISMIR 2017 conference provide a helpful page of advice regarding arranging visas. If an invitation letter is required specifically for DLfM please email and we will put you in touch with our colleagues at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music; if you are also attending ISMIR please seek your invitation letter there in the first instance. Should it be required, we advise attendees to arrange their own accommodation in the central Shanghai area, using the addresss for the Shanghai Conservatory of Music above. Registration for the workshop will open shortly.
- 29 June 2017: Following several requests, we are able to offer a short deadline extension until 3rd July 2017 (23:59 UTC-11) for updates to papers which have already submitted their title, authors, and abstract by the 1st July 2017 (23:59 UTC-11). Further extensions may be available in exceptional circumstances, but are not guaranteed -- please contact
- 26 June 2017: Paper submissions close at the end of this week on 30 June! Registration for the workshop will open in August. For those attendees looking to arrange local accommodation, the location for DLfM 2017 is confirmed as the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, 20 Fenyang Road, Xuhui district, Shanghai 200031, China.
- 19 June 2017: We are now accepting paper submissions on easychair. Authors can submit until Friday 30th June.
- 25 May 2017: We are pleased to announce that the DLfM 2017 proceedings will again be published in the ACM Digital Library as part of the ICPS series.
Getting to the workshop venue
The conservatory is near the north end of Fenyang Road, and the nearest station is South Shaanxi Road.
From South Shaanxi Road station, head West on Huaihai Middle Road. You should find yourself walking past the IAPM high-end Mall on your left (with Apple, MiuMiu and Gucci at street level). Fenyang Road is on the left shortly after IAPM (you’ll see a building site and the Howard Johnson Hotel).
The Conservatoire gate is on your right, after Parsons Music. DLfM boards will guide you from the gate to the workshop location.

Information for presenters
The room in which the workshop takes place has a Windows PC that runs Powerpoint available to presenters. There is also a VGA input for presenters who wish to use their own devices. The projector runs at resolutions of up to 1280 x 1024.
Presenters wishing to use music examples or other audio can choose to use a 3.5mm jack input or a Yamaha grand piano.
Timings will be strictly enforced by session chairs, and we ask presenters to limit their presentations to:
- Long papers: 20 minutes
- Short papers: 12 minutes (15 minutes maximum)
- Transforming musicology challenge papers: 8 minutes
Adhesive tape will be available on site for fixing posters.
10:00 | Welcome and opening address | ||
Dr Kevin PAGE and Professor YANG Yandi | |||
10:20 | Session 1a. Within Music Digital Libraries Chair: Kevin PAGE |
The Comprehensive Application of for Musical Performance Studies | Short paper | Jian Yang | |
PatternFinder: Content-Based Music Retrieval with music21 | Short paper | David Garfinkle, Peter Schubert, Claire Arthur, Julie Cumming & Ichiro Fujinaga | |
Human-Guided Recognition of Music Score Images | Short paper | Liang Chen, Rong Jin & Christopher Raphael | |
Non-chord Tone Identification Using Deep Neural Networks | Short paper | Yaolong Ju, Nathaniel Condit-Schultz, Claire Arthur & Ichiro Fujinaga | |
Short break | |||
11:50 | Session 1b. Understanding Music Digital Libraries Chair: YANG Yandi |
Modeling the Complexity of Music Metadata in Semantic Graphs for Exploration and Discovery | Long paper | Pasquale Lisena, Raphaël Troncy, Konstantin Todorov & Manel Achichi | |
MIRchiving: Challenges and opportunities of connecting MIR research and digital music archives | Short paper | Reinier de Valk, Anja Volk, Andre Holzapfel, Aggelos Pikrakis, Nadine Kroher & Joren Six | |
12:40 | Lunch | ||
13:30 | Session 2. Voice in Music Digital Libraries Chair: Ichiro FUJINAGA |
The Perception of Emotion in the Singing Voice | Long paper | Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro, Alice Baird, Anton Batliner, Nicholas Cummins, Simone Hantke & Björn W Schuller | |
Creating an |
Short paper | Rong Gong, Rafael Caro Repetto & Xavier Serra | |
14:40 | Transforming Musicology Challenge panel. Future Music Digital Libraries Chair: David LEWIS |
Constructing the digital database of Chinese ancient notation at Shanghai Conservatory of Music | Weiping Zhao | ||
Providing Value-added Services for Digital Musical Images: Database of Chinese Musical Relics based on CADAL's Resource | Hongjie Sun | ||
Big Musicology: A Framework for Transformation | Anna Kent-Muller | ||
15:20 | Posters and tea break | ||
16:00 | Session 3. Structuring and connecting Music Digital Libraries Chair: ZHAO Weiping |
Applications of duplicate detection: linking meta-data and merging music archives. The experience of the IPEM historical archive of electronic music | Short paper | Federica Bressan, Joren Six & Marc Leman | |
GRAIL: Database Linking Music Metadata Across Artist, Release, and Track | Long paper | Michael Barone, Kurt Dacosta, Gabriel Vigliensoni & Matthew H. Woolhouse | |
Tools for Music Bibliographic Network Analysis | Short paper | Andrew Horwitz, Yun Fan & Richard Brown | |
Musicology of Digital Libraries: structures in RILM | paper | David Lewis, Yun Fan, Glenn Henshaw & Kevin Page |
Call for posters
We are pleased to open a Call for Posters for DLfM 2017, on topics listed in the main CfP below. To submit a poster proposal, please send your title, author list, and a 200 word abstract to The deadline for poster proposal submissions is 1st September 2017. Notification of acceptance will be in two rounds, on 10th August and then on 8th September. The registration deadline for accepted posters will be 15th September 2017. Constraints regarding poster size will be confirmed on acceptance. Posters will be listed in the workshop programme, but not included in the workshop proceedings.
Call for papers
In 2017 DLfM calls for paper submissions to two tracks: a ‘proceedings track’ for short and full papers which will be presented at the workshop and published in the workshop proceedings; and a ‘Transforming Musicology challenge’ track for presented papers and posters.
Workshop location
Shanghai is one of the most populous cities in the world, a major international gateway to China and an important academic centre, housing over thirty universities and colleges. As a location for a satellite workshop of ISMIR, it is especially convenient, being on the route many attendees will use to return home.
The Shanghai Conservatory of Music was one of the first in China to offer higher education in music and has an international reputation for the standard of its students and teaching staff. The Conservatory also houses a substantial library and a Museum of Oriental Musical Instruments.
Many Digital Libraries have long offered facilities to provide multimedia content, including music. However there is now an ever more urgent need to specifically support the distinct multiple forms of music, the links between them, and the surrounding scholarly context, as required by the transformed and extended methods being applied to musicology and the wider Digital Humanities.
The Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM) workshop presents a venue specifically for those working on, and with, Digital Library systems and content in the domain of music and musicology. This includes Music Digital Library systems, their application and use in musicology, technologies for enhanced access and organisation of musics in Digital Libraries, bibliographic and metadata for music, intersections with music Linked Data, and the challenges of working with the multiple representations of music across large-scale digital collections such as the Internet Archive and HathiTrust.
This, the fourth Digital Libraries for Musicology workshop, is a satellite event of the annual International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) conference being held in nearby Suzhou, and in particular encourages reports on the use of MIR methods and technologies within Music Digital Library systems when applied to the pursuit of musicological research.
Workshop objectives
DLfM will focus on the implications of music on Digital Libraries and Digital Libraries research when pushing the boundaries of contemporary musicology, including the application of techniques as reported in more technologically-oriented fora such as ISMIR and ICMC.
This will be the fourth edition of DLfM following very successful and well received workshops at Digital Libraries 2014, JCDL 2015, and ISMIR 2016, giving an opportunity for the community to present and discuss recent developments that address the challenges of effectively combining technology with musicology through Digital Library systems and their application.
The workshop objectives are:
- to act as a forum for reporting, presenting, and evaluating this work and disseminating new approaches to advance the discipline;
- to create a venue for critically and constructively evaluating and verifying the operation of Music Digital Libraries and the applications and findings that flow from them;
- to consider the suitability of existing Music Digital Libraries, particularly in light of the transformative methods and applications emerging from musicology, large collections of both audio and music related data, ‘big data’ method, and MIR;
- to set the agenda for work in the field to address these new challenges and opportunities.
Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Music Digital Libraries
- Applied MIR techniques in Music Digital Libraries and musicological investigations using them
- Techniques for locating and accessing music in Very Large Digital Libraries (e.g. HathiTrust, Internet Archive)
- Music data representations, including manuscripts/scores and audio
- Interfaces and access mechanisms for Music Digital Libraries
- Digital Libraries in support of musicology and other scholarly study; novel requirements and methodologies therein
- Digital Libraries for combination of resources in support of musicology (e.g. combining audio, scores, bibliographic, geographic, ethnomusicology, performance, etc.)
- User information needs and behaviour for Music Digital Libraries
- Identification/location of music (in all forms) in generic Digital Libraries
- Mechanisms for combining multi-form music content within and between Digital Libraries and other digital resources
- Information literacies for Music Digital Libraries
- Metadata and metadata schemas for music
- Application of Linked Data and Semantic Web techniques to Music Digital Libraries, and for their access and organisation
- Optical Music Recognition
- Ontologies and categorisation of musics and music artefacts
Papers for either track will be peer reviewed by 2-3 members of the programme committee.
Please produce your paper using the ACM template and submit it to DLfM on EasyChair by 30 June 2017 (see Important dates).
All submitted papers must:
- be written in English;
- contain author names, affiliations and e-mail addresses;
- be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings template, using a Type 1 font no smaller than 9pt;
- be in PDF format (please ensure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform), and formatted for A4 size.
Page limits for submitted papers apply to all text, including bibliography
It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format. Submissions that do not comply with the above requirements may be rejected without review.
Please note that at least one author from each accepted paper must attend the workshop to present their work.
- ACM template:
- Submissions:
- Contact email:
Please use the ‘ACM Standard’ version of the ‘ACM proceedings template’ – for MS Word, see ACM_SigConf, for LaTeX, sample-sigconf.
Submissions: Proceedings track
We invite full papers (up to 8 pages) or short and position papers (up to 4 pages). In addition to the general submission requirements above, we will require that camera-ready copy be received before 15 September 2017 (see Important dates). At least one author from each accepted paper must be registered by that date.
Submissions: Transforming Musicology Challenge
What will the next generation of musicologists be studying? And how will they carry out their research? What part will digital technology play in the musicology of the future? And how will future musicologists be using digital libraries?
The Transforming Musicology Challenge solicits short position paper submissions to the Digital Libraries for Musicology Workshop of up to 2 pages (see Submissions). Transforming Musicology Challenge papers should describe, in detail, a musicological investigation or scenario that uses, or might use in the future, technologies relevant to DLfM (see the Topics section of the call). The ideal entry would speculate on the kind work that, in the author’s imagination, current researchers’ successors will be carrying out. While the primary focus of Challenge papers should be musical scholarship, authors are encouraged to relate research questions to the technical challenges that must be addressed.
Transforming Musicology Challenge papers will be peer reviewed, and accepted papers will be presented at the workshop as either part of a panel or a poster. Challenge papers will not be included in the main workshop proceedings, but will be compiled into a supplement hosted on the workshop website.
While we encourage authors engage with the workshop through the Musicology Challenge track, those who wish their papers to appear in the main proceedings may prefer to submit a more detailed description of their work to the Proceedings Track as a short or long paper (see above).
Important dates
- Title/abstract/authors deadline: 1st July (23:59 UTC-11)
- Paper submission deadline: 3rd July 2017 (23:59 UTC-11)
- Notification of acceptance: 3rd August 2017
- Camera ready submission deadline: 15th September 2017
- Workshop: 28th October 2017
Programme Chair
Dr. Kevin PAGE, University of Oxford
Local Chair
Prof. YANG Yandi, Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Publicity and proceedings chair
David LEWIS, University of Oxford
Programme Committee
to include
- Allessandro ADAMOU, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University
- Islah ALI-MACLACHLAN, Birmingham City University
- David BAINBRIDGE, University of Waikato
- Marnix van BERCHUM, Utrecht University
- Richard CHESSER, British Library
- Tim CRAWFORD, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Johanna DEVANEY, The Ohio State University
- Jürgen DIET, Bavarian State Library
- J. Stephen DOWNIE, The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
- Ichiro FUJINAGA, McGill University
- Francesca GIANNETTI, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
- Andrew HANKINSON, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
- Xiao HU, University of Hong Kong
- Charles INSKIP, University College London
- Frauke JURGENSEN, University of Aberdeen
- Alan MARSDEN, Lancaster University
- Joshua NEUMANN, University of Florida
- Alastair PORTER, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Laurent PUGIN, RISM Switzerland
- David RIZO, University of Alicante
- Andreas RAUBER, Vienna University of Technology
- Carolin RINDFLEISCH, University of Oxford
- Sertan ŞENTÜRK, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Mohamed SORDO, Pandora
- SUN Hongjie, Shanghai Normal University
- Raffaele VIGLIANTI, University of Maryland
- David M. WEIGL, University of Oxford
- Tillman WEYDE, City, Univerity of London
- ZHANG Jihong, Shanghai Conservatory of Music

DLfM 2017 is kindly supported by: